Cable Repairing / Rebuilding Service

Cable Repairing / Rebuilding Service

KAY VYBIN CORPORATION, offers a fine, complete repair service of cables or for outer cover replacement where this is the only work necessary.

Cables returned for repair can be accepted only when transportation charges are PRE-PAID. Returned cables will be partially dis-assembled for inspection. KAY VYBIN performs an inspection report on all returned cables. The customer is then notified as to the repair or replacement charges and work to be done. If the customer decides not to continue with the work, the cable(s) will not be re-assembled or returned.

We do not repair Air-Cooled jumper cables or Laminated Shunts.

Rebuilding or Replacement:
If our inspection indicates returned cables are not suitable for a "recover" - meaning all or part of the nonferrous metals are unable to be reused, the nonferrous metals will be weighed and a credit based on current recycle value of nonferrous metals shall be provided to you.
 **Pricing will be provided for all cables based on our ability to either simply recover them with new hose and bands or
**Pricing will be provided for a rebuild meaning pricing will factor in the nonferrous metals (terminal ends and braided rope) that needs to be replaced.
Note:  A rebuild is essentially and for the most part a new cable and pricing will be closer to that of a new cable; however, we do provide, as stated, credits toward recyclable materials.