About Us
KAY VYBIN CORPORATION was established by Mr. S.R. Kulkarni in 1970 and now being led by Mr. Bipin S. Kulkarni was first in INDIA to manufacture Resistance Welding Cables.
KAY VYBIN CORPORATION was registered as a Small Scale Industry with Government of Maharashtra, in the year 1979.
Being pioneer in this field for the past four decades, innovation has been the hallmark of KAY VYBIN resulting in products and services that best meet customer needs and expectation.
KAY VYBIN CORPORATION now is dedicated to the manufacture and supply of Resistance Welding Equipment which serves the entire needs of Automobile Weld Shops, and is currently the leading suppliers to the Indian Automobile Industry.
Our Customer's continuous support has boosted our confidence of sourcing out the Best Quality products internationally available from the World of Industrial Robotics & Automation.
Having an endeavor of expanding ourselves also in to the non-automotive industries, we are now joining hands with new world leading manufacturers providing collaborative and light duty robotics solutions.

With the addition of these new partners and their products, we can now provide a complete automation solutions to the Industries like FMCG, Food & Beverages, Pharma, Electronics, Glass, White Goods, Packaging & Palletizing and many other.
KAY VYBIN CORPORATION has two units in Mumbai & proposed third unit in Pune. The Mumbai units are comprising of Manufacturing &
Administrative facilities as follows:
Unit 1 is situated in South Mumbai at Sewree, having 1200 sq ft area with installed capacity of 40 HP power which is now catering the components / parts required by Unit 2.
Unit 2 is situated Off Mumbai, at Mira Road in Raju Industrial Estate having area of 3000 sq.ft with installed capacity of 50 HP Power. This unit is having two divisions i.e., Manufacturing facility & Corporate Head quarters for Administrative, Sales & Marketing wings.